romanian english

ADRIAN CRISTIAN MOISE, Cyberwarfare – A Current Form Of Conflict

Abstract: The article presents and analyzes aspects related to the phenomenon of cyberwarfare. Cyberwarfare is a conflict based on information and communication technology that involves performing politically motivated attacks on information and information systems. An attack involving cyberwarfare includes violations of laws, policies, or other regulations at national and international level, this aspect contributing most often to framing the cyberwarfare phenomenon in the area of cybercrime. This article also analyzes the main international legal instruments and norms that include international war law issues as well as international treaties and agreements governing international cooperation and investigation of cybercrime and cyberwarfare attacks. Also, there is a presentation about the offenders and victims of the cyberwarfare phenomenon.

Keywords: cyberwarfare, information and communication technology, cybercrime, information system, information.

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