romanian english

Olga Andreea URDA: Consequences of breaking the law on the establishment of companies governed by Law no. 31/1990

Abstract: For the establishment of companies governed by Law no. 31/1990, are provided a series of clear regulations, intended to protect both the interests of third parties as well as the civil circuit. Failure to comply means creating an imbalance that naturally could lead to the dissolution and liquidation of companies regulated under Law no. 31/1990. However, the legislator proposed a number of solutions meant to regulate the matter, solutions that harmonize our internal legislation with the European Union norms adopted in this field. The analysis conducted aims both to identify the solutions established by the Romanian legislature in the case of the infringement of legal provisions on the establishment of companies regulated under Law no. 31/1990 as well as the manner of transposing the rules adopted by the European Union relative to this matter, relating especially to the situation of the action for annulment.

Keywords: action for annulment, action for regularization, publicity, companies, harmonization.

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