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Ancuța-Elena FRANȚ: Men`s rights concerning the abortion issue. A summary analysis

Abstract: Although the abortion issue is experienced primarily by women, we can not deny that abortion is linked to procreation, and men and women have the same interest to have offsprings. The impact that childbearing has on a woman makes that, in societies where abortion is allowed, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to accept that men should be involved in taking a decision over performing or not an abortion. At least if the woman wants to keep the pregnancy, but the father wants an abortion, it is impossible to give effect to the father`s will. Only if the woman wants to have an abortion, but the father opposes, there may be recognized certain rights of the father, but this could be achieved only if the pregnant woman gives her consent. Such a hypothesis could be the situation when the pregnant woman agrees to carry the pregnancy to term, and the father commits (possibly through a legal act, namely prescribed by law for this purpose) to provide maintenance of the child, after birth, possibly by adopting the child.

Key-words: abortion, pregnancy, women's rights, men's rights, procreation

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