romanian english

Mirela Carmen IACOB: Current considerations regarding the article 180 from the Criminal Code

Abstract: The social life of a community cannot develop but only under safe conditions that will guarantee the physical integrity and health for all members of the community. By charging the acts of violence against physical integrity or health of a person under art. 180 of the Criminal Code, the Romanian penal legislator intended to protect the individual, to put him safety at bay, out of physical infliction of pain, out of actions of violence caused by another person. By punishing these deeds, law reacts against body injurers, against the authors of these actions, and also against the jeopardy that subsequently is engendered by the criminal, not only in the victim’s life, but also in the whole society. The physical  inviolability of a human being represents a sum of social values, whose protection contributes to building up normal relationships between people or between people and society; it creates a safety climate and it bestows personal security and respect for each individual who is a member of that society.

Keywords: violent crimes, inviolability of a human being

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