romanian english

The notions of domicile and residence in the context of health insurance


Abstract: In the pandemic context of the crisis caused by the infection with the SARS‑COV‑2 virus, the society in which we live was forced to adapt to new, unpredictable situations. The public's attention was turned to the medical field, which was overstressed by the pressure caused by the many cases of illness with the new virus that required medical care, but at the same time, the latter had to pay attention to those suffering from other conditions too. Based on the membership of the European Union, Romania has the possibility to send its citizens to treatments in other Member States as well. In this respect, citizens can ask themselves whether they can benefit from their medical insurance in other states than Romania. The notion of domicile or residence in the context of medical insurances includes a series of special regulations, which can give rise to various interpretations at a practical level. While, according to section 222 of Law number 95 of 2006 on health care reform, Published in the Official Journal number 652 from the 28th of August 2015, every Romanian citizen who proves the payment of the contribution to the fund and who is domiciled in Romania benefits from health insurance, more complex problems occur when the person resides in the country, but is domiciled abroad. Moreover, the rights to medical services are also doubled by the European legislation, some of the regulations of the Community space being of great interest in this research. Thus, the notion of domicile and residence can raise multiple problems of interpretation, but the situations arising in practice can be solved only based on clarifications provided by professionals in the legal field.

Keywords: domicile; residence; health insurance; insured citizen


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