romanian english

Aurica PASCAR, Oxana KIRIIAK: Evolution of theory of civil law procedure and of procedural-civil legislation in Ukraine

Abstract: The adoption in 2004 of the Civil Code of Ukraine initiated a new stage in the development of the civil procedure in our country. The new priorities of civil proceedings were formulated and the modernization of justice in civil cases started that time. Every just, timely and impartial consideration of civil cases became impossible without comprehensive research and objective setting of all the factual circumstances of the issue. Therefore, the essential change of legislative basis that took place in Ukraine in recent years, is the most influenced modification in the field of justice, designed to be an effective protection instrument of violated, unrecognized or disputed rights and freedoms in civil procedure. In sum, the study of progressive international experience and its next adaptation is one of the common ways of evolutionary development of procedural law model.

Keywords: сivil procedure, civil procedural legislature, Ukraine, justice, judicial system

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