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Boaz Oyoo Were: The challenges of procuring forensic evidence and criminal proceedings in Kenya


Abstract: The present paper explores the challenges of procuring forensic evidence in Kenya and the impact of those challenges on the criminal justice system. In particular, this article explicates that the effective administration of criminal justice in Kenya partly, and importantly, relies on forensic science. With a growing population nearing fifty million people, coupled with the threat of terrorist attacks, the Kenyan government has every good reason to enhance its surveillance and forensic capabilities not only in the service of its population, but also in the service of criminal justice. Although the challenges in procuring forensic evidence in Kenya fall in the cracks of political, institutional, professional, ethical and cultural, it remains to the good sense of the Kenyan government to be able to mitigate these challenges by enhancing the capacities and capabilities of key dockets such as the national security and the Ministry of Health. This is because these two dockets are critical for their forensic science services and, hence their interconnection with the criminal justice system.

Keywords: Forensic science, law, crime, and criminal justice system.


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