romanian english

Mihai Iftimiei: Digitization of public administration. Romania of the 21st century

Abstract: The process of digitization in general, namely digitization of public administration in particular, is one of the priorities of the European Commission, for a few years now, a concrete aspect in the existence of two European strategies for implementing digitalization. The whole process tends to create new concepts, such as e-governance or smart city. In the statistics given to the public by the European Commission (the most recent dating from October 2019), Romania occupies the last place in the degree of implementation of the digitization, paradoxical aspect given the leading position regarding the speed of surfing the internet and the degree of area coverage. The present study proposes to identify the progress that Romania is making in this regard, as we want to identify solutions to accelerate the digitization process in the Romanian public administration.

Key-words: digitization; administration; TIC



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