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Vasilisa Muntean: Action for repair of damage caused to the person by judicial errors and investigation (case of the Republic of Moldova)


Abstract: The rehabilitated person may claim compensation for pecuniary damage, compensation for non-pecuniary damage and reinstatement of infringed rights. In this research I will analyze the civil action to repair the damage caused by judicial and investigative errors. At present, in the legal doctrine of the Republic of Moldova, the issue of defining judicial error has been little addressed. In this sense, this scientific article constitutes a scientific approach aimed at elucidating the theoretical and normative deficiencies and omissions that appear in the field of repairing the damage caused by judicial and even errors. We aimed to form a core of ideas and recommendation mechanisms that would ensure a certain interpretive and decisional homogeneity in the investigation of the civil action regarding the reparation of the damage caused by judicial and investigative errors.

Keywords: civil action, prejudice, judicial error, error of investigation, court, judge, criminal trial, decision.


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