romanian english

Ion Covalciuc: Intimation - a tool for detecting crimes


Abstract: The commission of criminal acts does not automatically imply the initiation of investigations by judicial bodies. On the one hand, the authorities aim to reveal criminal facts and, on the other hand, to reduce the risk of arbitrary investigations. The tool used to solve this dilemma is the notification - as the instrument through which the judicial body is informed about the commission of a crime. On the one hand, the effectiveness of judicial bodies in revealing criminal facts and, on the other hand, the protection of society from the arbitrary interventions of state agents depends on the mastery with which the legislator manages to regulate the institution of notification in the criminal process. The role of the doctrine in this process is one that cannot be neglected. The inadvertences identified by the specialists in the field and – last, but not least - the solutions proposed for their remedy are to be taken into account not only for the improvement of the normative framework, but also for its application by the bodies judicial judicial bodies.

Key-words: criminal process, notification, criminal investigation body, complaint, preliminary complaint, denunciation.


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