romanian english

Cristina Nicorici: The Contract as a Source of the Duty to Act and ...


Abstract: The crime committed by omission is not equivalent with every inaction of a person, but it supposes failure to comply with a duty to act, duty that can be imposed by the law, regulated in a contract or that can result from a previous conduct of the subject (according to art. 17 of Romanian Criminal code). At first sight, it might seem that regulating a duty to act in a contract represents a violation of the principle of legality. Is was attempted, in 2018, a modification of the provision of article 17 of Criminal code resulting in elimination of the contract and the previous conduct as sources of the duty to act, modification that was declared as unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court of Romania (decision nr. 650/2018). In this article it will be analyzed, therefore, in what measure it can be said that it is violated the principle of legality by foreseeing the duty to act, whose failure attracts criminal liability, in a contract.

Keywords: commission by omission, improper omission, contract, duty to act, principle of legality


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