romanian english

Vitalie Rusu, Serghei Gavajuc: Doctrinal reflections on the tactical bases of the special investigation activity


Abstract: The basic task of forensic tactics is to organize the forensic activity as efficiently as possible in relation to the purpose of the criminal prosecution actions, the special investigation activity, and the entire process of criminal investigation based on the materialization of a rational system of interactions and relationships between trial participants. Saying “the structure of the tactics” we mean such elements that include a whole complex of subsequent actions - starting with the assessment of the existing situation, until reaching the objective pursued. The assessment of the situation, the interpretation of phenomena and circumstances, the analysis of accumulated information - all these are intellectual operations that require professional knowledge, experience and appropriate reasoning power of the investigating officer. Based on them, the tactical decisions appear, the selection of the operative and investigative means and methods is made, their order of execution is drawn up in order to achieve the objectives pursued.

 Keywords: criminal trial, investigating officer, tactics, forensics, cumulative evidence, criminal prosecution action, criminal prosecution officer, planning, version, resistance, counteracting, interaction, organization, behavior, decision, crime, procedure, special investigative measures, operation, cooperation.


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