romanian english

Lavinia Pricină-Bobeică: Protective mask - barrier in the process of listening to the suspect or defendant


Abstract: Listening to persons in the investigation of criminal activities is detached in terms of importance from the rest of the evidence-gathering activities. In the current pandemic context, obtaining the statements of the suspect or defendant is done in compliance with measures to prevent and combat the spread of the Sars-Cov 2 virus. The challenges of this approach concern the efficiency of the criminal investigation body, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the attitude of the suspect or defendant. Wearing a protective mask is mandatory, so the listening activity is difficult. This requires a greater amount of time and effort, or can be imposed with a higher frequency than usual. In fact, the imposition of the protective mask can lead to several moments of tension or even to the refusal to wear it. All these situations overlap with the procedure of listening to the suspect or defendant, already difficult, and must be managed by the one who carries out this evidentiary procedure.

Keywords: mask, statement, suspect, obstacle.


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