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Vitalie Jitariuc: The role and importance of special investigation measures in documentation, research and discovery of crimes of human trafficking

DOI: 10.47743/jss-2022-68-4-7

Abstract: Immediately after the collapse of the communist system in Europe, the countries of central and eastern Europe experienced remarkable changes, not only political and economic, but also in the field of crime. Here, we refer to the exacerbation of violence, to the diversification of the modes of operation, to the structures of the gangs of criminals and to a greater internationalization of the links of the different types of crime. The governments of the European countries have recognized that, nowadays, organized crime, including in the segment of human trafficking, represents a real threat to the security and stability of the region and its population. Currently, by renewing the legislation and adapting the legislative arsenal (including the special investigation activity) to the international norms, the improvement of the criminal procedures is aimed to facilitate the activity of the judicial authorities in the field.

Keywords: special investigation activity, special investigation measures, trafficking in human beings, victim, criminal prosecution action, revictimization, criminal trial, trial, trafficker, exploitation, violence, investigation methodology, crime, international cooperation


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