romanian english

VEACESLAL PÎNZARI, Views on effects regulation of the declaration of invalidity/nullity of marriage

Abstract: In matters of marriage, as well as in other matters, when the expression of will is made by violating legal norms, established for its validity, the invalidity /nullity will comes as a sanction, which, established by the court decision, is not directed against the legal act as such/by its very nature, but against the adverse effects of law, effects produced on the background of the tainted/corrupted act. Therefore, the legal act, sanctioned by nullity, is devoid of legal effects to which it was concluded. In this endeavor, we shall analyze the effects (that) the nullity sanction produces on the relationships between people who have been married, whose marriage was dissolved.

Keywords: marriage; nullity; non-patrimonial effects; patrimonial effects; maintenance; inheritance/legacy.

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