romanian english

MIHAI DUNEA, MARIA IOANA MĂRCULESCU-MICHINICI, Some proposals to amend the current criminal Romanian legislation

Abstract: This material reproduces the general content of the document elaborated and transmitted (in May 2017) to the Romanian Ministry of Justice, by the signatory teachers (in their capacity as members of the Criminal Sciences Chair of the Faculty of Law from the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi, Romania), in the process (carried out by the Ministry of Justice) of prima facie assessment and analysis of the overall impact produced in Romania's national legal system by the new regulations (including those) in criminal matters (in force since the 1st February 2014). This published version includes the reformulation of some observations / proposals and has removed some material errors from the initial drafting, maintaining unaffected the essence of the document and its overall systematization (aspect which explains the absence of the critical apparatus).

Key words: Romanian Criminal Code; Romanian Criminal Procedure Code; comments; lex ferenda proposals; legal inconsistencies; normative optimization

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