romanian english

Marian Mădălin Pușcă, Manuela Maria Nechita (căs. Pușcă): Legality of the punishment ...


Abstract: The legality of the criminal sanctions applied by the appellate court can be detected in the light of the cassation case provided by art. 438 par. (1) point 12 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The analysis of the legality of the punishment is not, however, an exhaustive one, but is limited to violations of the law in case of errors that occur in connection with the establishment of the main punishment, complementary or accessory punishments, but also educational measures, or by applying an unforeseen sanction law, either by non-compliance with the legal limits or the sanctioning treatment imposed by the legislator. The present study aims to illustrate the formula of jurisprudential interpretation of the Supreme Court in the matter of the legality of the punishment in particular cases from the perspective of the cassation case provided by art. 438 point 12 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. We consider as methodological means used the following: literature review, analysis, interpretation.

Keywords: legality of punishment, cassation appeal, jurisprudence Supreme Court


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N. Volonciu, A.S.Uzlău (coord.), Codul de procedură penală, comentat, ed. a 3-a, revizuită și adăugită, Ed. Hamangiu, București, 2017;

M. Udroiu (coord.), Codul de procedură penală- Comentariu pe articole, Ed.2, Ed. C.H.Beck, București, 2017

S. L. Macavei, „Cazul de recurs în casație prevăzut în art. 438 alin. (1)pct. 12 Cod procedură penală”

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