romanian english

Răzvan Horațiu Radu: Legality of criminalization. Approach of the European Court ...


Abstract: Article 7 para. 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights entitled "no punishment without law" guarantees the principle of legality and the principle of non-retroactivity of criminal law. This study reviews how the European Court of Human Rights has analyzed these principles over the years. The development of the relevant jurisprudence has been based on the autonomous notions of “criminal penalty”, “conviction”, “criminal offence” and “law”.

Keywords: principle of legality, no punishment without law, freedom from retroactive criminal offences and punishment, criminal offence, criminal penalty


D. Harris, M. O’Boyle, C. Warbrick, C. (coord.), Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, New York, 2009;

Răzvan-Horațiu Radu, Convenția Europeană a Drepturilor Omului. Curs universitar, Editura Universul Juridic, București, 2021

Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului, Ghid privind art. 7 din Convenția europeană a drepturilor omului. Nicio pedeapsă fără lege: principiul legalității infracțiunilor și pedepselor, actualizat la 31 august 2018

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