romanian english

Olga Cataraga, Piotr Petcovici, Victoria Prisăcaru: Diagnostic problems in graphic expertise

DOI: 10.47743/jss-2022-68-4-2

Abstract: Diagnostic problems in graphic expertise always bother practicing forensic experts. Truly, such examinations are some of the most complicated. Handwriting/signatures executed by persons in unusual circumstances at the time of writing various receipts, farewell letters, threatening letters, etc., as objects of handwriting examinations are encountered quite often. The complexity of these examinations stems from the character of the graphic objects. Such letters / signatures often fall into the category of modified ones. The given changes are due to the action on the motor functions of the hand with which to write / sign certain confusing factors of internal or external nature. These changes significantly influence the essential properties of the usual handwriting / signature: stability and variability, which underlie the process of forensic identification of the writer. In medical and forensic practice there are enough data about the degree of change in the indexes of writing / signatures related to the influence of certain confusing factors that show an action of dysfunction of motor functions, but also cognitive and mental of given persons, and the possibilities and limits of the given phenomenon in some circumstances. Respectively, there is also the hypothesis about the possibility of identifying these factors based on changes in the indexes of writing / signatures of people, which occur as a result of violation of motor and mental functions and the possibility of their use in forensic studies.

Keywords: writing, signatures, unusual conditions, diagnosis, complexity of examinations, motor changes, forensic diagnosis, possibilities of identification


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