romanian english

Authors' Guide

Authors are kindly asked to summit papers under the following guidelines. The journal is published in two semester issues. Materials will be delivered in the recommended format, no later than April 30 for the first issue and October 30 for the second issue. Papers for publication will only be transmitted electronically to the following e-mail: . No fees are required from the author for publishing their paper.

Structure. The materials will include an introduction, sections with defined title and conclusions. Materials will be accompanied by a summary (abstract) in English 5-10 rows and keywords (3-5). The materials will be written in the format attached, without interfering with the formatting, pagination, etc.

Sections. A material can be divided into sections, subsections, numbered with Arabic numerals. Example: 1 Offences against property 1.1. Theft 1.1.1. Form the basis of the offense of theft


  1. Font Times New Roman, 12 text, 10 for Footnotes. On the right and left of each page picked out white space of 2.5 cm. 
  2. Please use footnotes, please insert footnotes numbered consecutively. The notes will end with point. 
  3. Do not use bullets, numbers, or any other automatic function. 
  4. The numbering will be done with Arabic numerals, simple. 
  5. Do not use tabs, multiple spaces, the function end of page or section, footer or header, track changes, page numbers. 
  6. All formatting will be made by the editorial team. All material will reap normal letters. 
  7. Quotations are collected in "quotes". The texts of normative acts are collected in italics
  8. Do not use UPPERCASE text in bold, or underlined. Please use the reference orthographic rules imposed by the Romanian Academy.
  9. Do not use abbreviations for common words. Please abbreviate the titles of normative acts: G.D., G.O.. 
  10. Indication of normative text shall be completed by footnote specifying the number and year of publication: Official Gazette of Romania No. 100, 02.05.2012; OJ L 197, 26.07.2002, p. 56. 
  11. For custom abbreviations (institutions, documents, etc.) indicate at first use the full name and abbreviated form in parentheses. Example: Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-Accession (ISPA). 
  12. For institutions with an established name and abbreviation, use this abbreviation. Example: EEA (European environment authority). 
  13. We recommend abbreviating the names of normative acts. Example: O.M.A.I. (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), OMPF (Order of the Ministry of Public Finance). 
  14. The names of Codes will be abbreviated, namely:  codes, namely the C.civ.;; C.pen.; Do not abbreviate, but writte in full: Labor Code; Forestry Code; Customs Code etc. In normative transition period will shorten the name Code indicating the year of publication in parentheses: C.pen (1968), C.pen. (2009)

Lists. Lists are numbered with Arabic numerals. Each item in the list will be marked with a semicolon (;) after the last object will be marked with point (.)
Example: Aggravated forms of the offense of theft are: 1. a means of transport; 2. in the night; (...)5. by disabling the alarm system or surveillance.

Paragraphs. Each paragraph will begin with space, the Insert tab at 1.5 cm.

Figures, tables, photographs. All figures, tables or pictures will be numbered, with titles inserted underneath. Please do not use color effects, only black and gray.

Footnotes - sources.

  1. Footnotes are numbered continuously. Title of books or articles published in professional journals to write in full. If the title is in a foreign language is written in this language. All publications are collected with full title in italics, without abbreviations. Example: Caiete de drept penal, no. 1, p. 57-59.

  2. Citations are included in the text, collected between double quotes "". Quotations should be written in original form. Any omission will be marked with dots in parentheses (...). Any modifications or comment on the quote will be marked within parentheses (sic) or (emphasis added). Citations will be detailed in the footnote placed after the closing quotation marks.

  3. Romanian or foreign publishers names written in full, not abbreviated. Example: Editura (not Ed.) C. H. Beck; Lumina Lex, General Librairie Droit et de Jurisprudence (not LGDJ) etc.

  4. Citing books. Volumes with one author: Example: A. Fanu-Moca, Contenciosul fiscal, ed. a II-a, Editura C.H. Beck, Bucureşti, 2013, p. 189.. Volumes with multiple authors, which is nominated by: Example: M.I. Michinici, M. Dunea, Partea generală. Titlul II. Infracţiunea, in T. Toader, M.I. Michinici, R. Răducanu, A. Crişu-Ciocântă, S. Răduleţu, M. Dunea, Noul Cod penal. Comentarii pe articole, Editura Hamangiu, Bucureşti, 2014, p. 63. Volumes with multiple authors, where the coordinator is nominated: Example: F.-A. Baias, E. Chelaru, R. Constantinovici, I. Macovei (coord.), Noul Cod civil. Comentariu pe articole, Ed. I, rev., Editura C.H. Beck, 2012, pp. 1178-1180.

  5. Citing Articles and studies. Citing articles will be indicating the full name of the journal in which they were published. Example: M. Ursuţa, Codul Contravenţional - o necesitate?, în Dreptul, nr. 1/2014, pp. 112-118. 

  6. References. The articles will include at the end the complete bibliography, organized alphabetically. For references, the papers will follow the Crossref work guide, namely, the DOI identifier will be indicated for each article / study / paper.

  7. Citing documents of international organizations. For other documents using citation format required by the issuing institution. Example: First reference: Regulation (EU) no. 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on the European Social Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) no. 1081/2006 Council. Subsequently, Regulation (EU) no. 1304/2013.

  8. Citing Internet sources. For articles, books or official documents accessed via the Internet, reference will indicate the source and date of accessing the full url. Example: European Commission, "European company - legal form", [Online] at, accessed on 04/01/2014.

  9. Citing jurisprudence. For citing case law, indicate the source as the general rules - collection, website etc. stating the court which issued it, division, judgment, number, year, place of publication. Example: C.A. Pitești, sect. a II-a civ., cont. adm. fisc, dec. nr. 1217/2012, în Supliment Buletinul Curţilor de Apel nr. 2/2012.

Originality. Authors are asked to respect the copyright laws totally avoiding any form of plagiarism. If quoting ideas from other works employees are required to quote and, where appropriate, to pass quotes passages from the works cited. In case of plagiarism - partial or full - full responsibility, both legal and ethical rests exclusively with the author who committed plagiarism respective editors assume any liability unable to infringements on copyright and related rights.

Contract. Results of peer-review system will be communicated to the author by email, to the address indicated. Acceptance for publication signifies a written contract with exclusiv, gratuitous transfer of the right to publish or reproduce the work, according to Law. 8/1996.

Open acces. This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Licence. The user can share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Authors transfer copyright or assign exclusive rights to the publisher (including commercial rights).

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

References. For References, authors should respect the Crossref reference linking

Faculty of Law

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Copyright Faculty of Law, IAŞI , 2024
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